DIAMS : Digital Alliance for Marseille Sustainability


Air pollution is clearly increasing on the Mediterranean coast. A real public health issue, it is estimated that it causes 400,000 premature deaths in Europe each year.

The DIAMS project acts at the territorial level, raising awareness and involving citizens, public authorities and the private sector. The flagship action of the project is the development, dissemination and animation of 2,000 mobile sensors, allowing the inhabitants of the Aix-Marseille Metropolis to understand their exposure to fine particles, to contribute to the collection of data and to modify their habits in order to limit their exposure.

DIAMS Productions

The Air Quality “Cocotte”

The Air Quality Paper “Cocotte” will allow you to launch discussion topics around air quality in a participative way, at the beginning of a meeting, a workshop, an intervention… It comes with manufacturing instructions and a user manual that details how to use it. Don’t hesitate to make it your own!

👉 Download your Cocotte kit now!