Pierre MASSIS is, since 2018, Director of Partnerships at AVITEM


A Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) employee seconded to AVITEM, Pierre MASSIS has been the Agency’s Director of Partnerships since 2018. He is in charge of several cooperation projects with partners around the Mediterranean whose cross-cutting theme is the resilient, sustainable and inclusive city. By setting up institutional partnerships, it coordinates major regional events and intends to participate in the definition of the “sustainable Mediterranean city” concept.

De 2013 à fin 2017, il a été délégué général de l’OCEMO (Office de Coopération Economique pour la Méditerranée et l’Orient). At CDC, he has held numerous positions, the last of which, from 2009 to 2013, was International Advisor (Russia zone) for European and International Affairs and Secretary General of CDC International.