MED-Ina: A Mediterranean Integrated Alliance on Waste for cities and citizens

Mediterranean cities are facing major environmental challenges and increasing costs for waste collection and treatment.

The MED-InA project proposes to simultaneously activate 3 levers: public action, the involvement of civil society and the potential of the private sector. The “Zero Waste” logic aiming to reduce, reuse and recycle waste on a local scale is being developed in 3 pilot cities in Spain, Jordan and Tunisia.

MED-INA Productions

Consult the Zero Waste guide!

This guide is a decision-making tool for the implementation of a Zero Waste strategy adapted to the context of Mediterranean cities. It consists of:
🔸 an overview of the waste management context in the Mediterranean
case studies in Mediterranean municipalities
a list of questions to help decision-makers identify their needs
🔸 specific tools and steps to follow in order to implement an adapted zero waste strategy