Logos project+EU
Tourism is a strong economic and social driver in the Mediterranean. However, if poorly managed, it can also become harmful for the heritage and for the resident communities.The behaviours and choices of tourists, destination managers and policy makers can make a difference: that’s why the application of behavioural sciences to tourism flows and destination management can have a real potential.

Complementary to the Nudge my tour project, BeST will create the first community of practice about the application of behavioral science to the current and future challenges of the tourism sector.
The objective is to create a space where experts, practitioners and policy makers can exchange knowledge and practices, based on behavioral changes, to create new and more sustainable tourism models.

BeST Productions

Cycle of webinars on behavioral sciences applied to tourism:

Introduction: Capitalizing on our knowledge of human behavior to develop more sustainable tourism

Through concrete examples, let’s see
how behavioral sciences can help tourism actors to face the challenges of the sector

From knowledge to practice: behavior change & tourism

How will behavioral sciences ensure the future of tourism?