Repair Festival 2024 in Marseille: choose repair, reuse, and upcycling!

The first edition of the REPper Festival is taking place in Marseille on 18 and 19 October 2024, in celebration of the International & French Repair Days! Come and learn how to change your consumption habits by choosing repair, reuse, and upcycling of your everyday items. Become an active participant in the circular and sustainable …

WORKSHOP – Climate change risk management in coastal cities

Join us in making a unified statement at the UN Ocean Summit UNOC 2025, positioning the Mediterranean as a pioneering region of resilience in the face of climate change risks. The third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC 3) will be held in Nice in June 2025, under the co-presided of France and Costa Rica. At …

[SEMINAIRES METROPOLITAINS] Discover the PROGRAMME of the Bologna Seminar from 4 to 9 May 2025

In 2025, the immersive training programme of the Metropolitan Seminars will take place in Bologna (May 4-9) and Tirana (November 9-14). Your IMMERSIVE TRAINING PROGRAMME in BOLOGNA A series of key themes to understand this metropolis, renowned for its urban values—solidarity, cohesion—its exemplary policies on climate change resilience, and its innovations in governance! Your week’s …

UNOC Workshop – Spatial recomposition: a solution to adapt high-risk coastal areas

UNOC WORKSHOP in Nice – Spatial recomposition: a solution to adapt high-risk coastal areas On 14 March 2025 in Nice, take part in a collaborative workshop to amplify the voice of Mediterranean communities in addressing coastal risk challenges. Contribute to a global initiative in preparation for the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC 3). Rising …

FEAST Project – Three preparatory days in the territory of Tirana

A key milestone for the FEAST project (Food sovereignty, Ecotourism, Agroecology and Sustainable Territories), which is helping to co-build more sustainable rural territories. Led by a partnership between France and Albania, with the support of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the project connects four Mediterranean territories: Tirana, Marseille, Arghjusta è Muricciu (South …

TRAINING PROGRAMME: join the 2025 Metropolitan Seminars

COLLECTIVE TRAINING: programme of Metropolitan Seminars 2025 Dive into the heart of metropolitan dynamics and take part in a collective co-production experience to shape tomorrow’s territories. Explore metropolitan contexts and experiences, compare and enhance your practices. Exchanges with local stakeholders, in a dialogue between territories. Deepen your practical, theoretical, and strategic knowledge on topics such …

Urban heat: a priority issue and a health challenge in the Mediterranean

Heat is becoming a priority and a health issue in Mediterranean cities. By 2050, it is estimated that heatwaves will have doubled, while by 2100, the rise in temperature in France could reach +4°C. This is known as ‘survival’ urban planning. Urban heat, a complex, cross-disciplinary issue The issue of urban heat lies at the …

INTERVIEW with Mardig Boghossian, Mayor of Bourj Hammoud (Lebanon)

During a brief visit to Marseille, at the premises of Avitem, Mardig Boghossian, Mayor of Bourj Hammoud, accompanied by Georges Krikorian, Deputy Mayor, recently shared his vision for the “Bourj Hammoud 2021-2031” project amidst a growing crisis. The interview is available in French. Mardig Boghossian, maire de Bourj Hammoud (au centre), Georges Krikorian, adjoint au …

Culture and Ecological Transition Forum for a Sustainable Mediterranean

On 28 and 29 November 2024, the City of Nice is hosting the first open forum of the decentralized cooperation project “Territoires Cultivés,” coordinated by AVITEM. An event held under the banner of the Mediterranean Day, highlighting the cultural and environmental challenges faced by Mediterranean countries. Two days that will bring together key stakeholders from …

CIRCULAR ECONOMY: the Tripluch tool in service of composting for businesses

As part of the European alpine cooperation project CEFoodCycle, which aims to optimise organic waste in the food sector, a Circular Food Award was given to one exemplary practice in each of the five partner countries (France, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Germany). Through the testimony of Maud Tribaudeau, discover the services of Tripluch, a tool that makes …

Building a contemporary matrix for Mediterranean cities

What is the common DNA of Mediterranean Cities? Take part in the debate to rethink the matrix of contemporary Mediterranean cities. On October 15, 2024, a Round Table open to the general public, to experts and civil society is held as part of the Alexandria Metropolitan Seminar led by AVITEM. This Round Table is organized …