DIAMS Closing Forum: Innovation and commitment to air quality

The DIAMS project “Digital Alliance For Aix-Marseille Sustainability “ tests and experiments new air quality services with today’s digital tools.

Initiated in 2018 by the Metropole Aix-Marseille-Provence, AtmoSud, Aria Technologies, The Post Office Group, Matrice, The Federation l’Air et Moi, TERA Sensor and AViTeM, the appointment is made on October 17, 2022 to restitute the work conducted on these innovations.

After four years of work, partners invite you to register to participate in a closing day event committed to air quality.

Where and when ?
Amphitheatre of the Pharo, Marseille
on October 17, 2022, from 9:30 am to 5 pm


Program and Registration :Click on this link

Information on the DIAMS project :https://www.airdiams.eu/