INTERVIEW with Mardig Boghossian, Mayor of Bourj Hammoud (Lebanon)

During a brief visit to Marseille, at the premises of Avitem, Mardig Boghossian, Mayor of Bourj Hammoud, accompanied by Georges Krikorian, Deputy Mayor, recently shared his vision for the “Bourj Hammoud 2021-2031” project amidst a growing crisis. The interview is available in French. Mardig Boghossian, maire de Bourj Hammoud (au centre), Georges Krikorian, adjoint au …

APPOINTMENT: AVITEM welcomes François-Xavier LEGER as Director General

On October 1st, 2024, François-Xavier LEGER joins AVITEM as Director General. As a diplomat with a 32-year career, he previously held the position of French Ambassador to Fiji, Tonga, Nauru, Tuvalu and Kiribati (2021-2024), in the context of France’s re-engagement in the Pacific, with a specific focus on issues of climate change, economic development, human …

AVITEM becomes a member of the Friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region CPMR, declaration of 24 April 2023 in Brussels

AVITEM becomes a member of the Friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region. The declaration was signed by the President of AVITEM, Mrs. Agnès RAMPAL on April 24, 2023, in Brussels. Find here the declaration in French version. and here in English version. The main objective is to bring together efforts to make the Mediterranean macro-regional strategy …

Formation gratuite et en ligne à destination des collectivités : infrastructures vertes et eaux pluviales

La nature pour mieux gérer les eaux pluviales en ville ? Oui, mais comment ? Face à l’urbanisation croissante du littoral méditerranéen et aux conséquences du changement climatique, les territoires méditerranéens se tournent de plus en plus vers des infrastructures vertes, fondées sur la nature. Le rôle des collectivités territoriales est moteur dans le développement …

Membership of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region to AVITEM – 14 Dec 2021

Membership of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region in AVITEM Welcome to the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, a new member of AVITEM, alongside the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Southern Region, the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis, the City of Marseille, and the Collectivity of Corsica. Together, we build innovative strategies and projects for urban development, ecosystem sustainability and …

Interview with Philippe Meunier, Ambassador, Director General of AVITEM – URBANISM REVIEW – AUGUST 2021

Interview with Philippe Meunier, Ambassador, Director General of the Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (Avitem).   What is your perception of the evolution of the Mediterranean basin where conflict situations seem to prevail over cooperation dynamics? Philippe Meunier/ In its long history, the Mediterranean has rarely experienced very peaceful periods. Unfortunately, the first …

Philippe Meunier, new Director General of the Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (AViTeM) article March 2021

Philippe Meunier has just been appointed by the Board of the GIP AViTeM as Director General of the Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories. He succeeds Ambassador Bernard Valero, whose term expires on February 28, 2021. French Ambassador to Croatia from 2016 to 2019, Philippe Meunier has devoted most of his diplomatic career to …