AVITEM becomes a member of the Friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region.
The declaration was signed by the President of AVITEM, Mrs. Agnès RAMPAL on April 24, 2023, in Brussels.
Find here the declaration in French version.
The main objective is to bring together efforts to make the Mediterranean macro-regional strategy a reality. To do this, a table-ronde A dedicated meeting bringing together key representatives of the European institutions and stakeholders from networks and regional/local authorities took place to present les principaux arguments en faveur de cette stratégie macro-régionale pour le bassinby going back over the last few rapports élaborés dans le cadre du Comité des régions de l’UE et du Parlement européen.
At the end of the roundtable, participants were invited to sign a declaration of support for the Mediterranean macro-regional strategy initiative.
This declaration was consolidated thanks to the contributions of the partners of the Mediterranean Alliance for Cooperation and co-organizers of the event, as well as the Interim Presidency of the Inter-Mediterranean Commission.