Air quality is one of the major environmental concerns of citizens. It is a complex subject because pollution is generated by multiple emission sources (transport, industry, housing, agriculture …), diffusing multiple chemical and organic forms of pollutants, and whose impact depends on multiple factors: meteorology (dispersion/concentration), duration and frequency of exposure, health status of the exposed person …
Between 2018 and 2022, AViTeM worked as a partner in the DIAMS* project led by the Aix-Marseille Metropolis to integrate the issue of air quality into everyone’s daily life (individuals, companies, communities). The objective of the DIAMS project was twofold:
- To better take into account the quality of the air in all the public policies and to make evolve the behaviors of the citizens and the actors with regard to these stakes,
- Have effective action plans with a real impact on the lives of citizens
To do this, the Metropolis wanted to involve as many actors as possible, citizens, industries, schools, communities, companies, start-ups, etc., by making them actors of their living environment (observation, new ideas and creation of solutions).
In support of this commitment program, 9 associations have been selected by the Metropole Aix-Marseille-Provence on their proposals for mobilization around air quality over the years 2021-2022. The actions carried out by the selected associations have made it possible to propose a rich and diversified offer on the territory of animation on the air quality. The activities carried out by the winning associations during the years 2021-2022 can be consulted on the website: https: //
The Metropole Aix-Marseille-Provence wishes to renew this type of action in order to perpetuate the support to the actors of ground having innovative projects on the quality of the air and to accompany the projects of territory. You will find all the details to submit your application via the following link: https: //
*The DIAMS project was co-financed by the European Commission’s Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Program.