Discover AVITEM’s news through our themes

APPOINTMENT: AVITEM welcomes François-Xavier LEGER as Director General
On October 1st, 2024, François-Xavier LEGER joins AVITEM as Director General. As a diplomat with a 32-year career, he previously held the position of French

Territoires innovants : visite d’étude de la Municipalité de Bourj Hammoud en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Une semaine de visites des projets innovants d’aménagement urbain et des acteurs clés du territoire PACA, dans le cadre d’un projet de coopération décentralisée pour

Carnets Métropolitains : regards sur les métropoles méditerranéennes
Le regard singulier de professionnels du développement urbain sur les évolutions des métropoles des trois rives de la Méditerranée. A l’origine des Carnets Métropolitains, ce

AVITEM becomes a member of the Friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region CPMR, declaration of 24 April 2023 in Brussels
AVITEM becomes a member of the Friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region. The declaration was signed by the President of AVITEM, Mrs. Agnès RAMPAL on April

In June 2025, France will host for the first time the United Nations Conference on the Oceans: UNOC 2025. To host this global event, the

Metropolitan Seminar in Beirut 2023
After the rich exploration of the Metropolis of Izmir, AVITEM has the privilege to organize the second metropolitan seminar of the 2022 /2023 cycle in

Launch of the FIRST MILE project: Behavioral sciences for the ecological transition of tourism SMEs
At the beginning of 2023, AViTeM is launching a new initiative to support tourism companies in their ecological transition in an unprecedented way : the First

Launch of the CEFoodCycle project on circularity in food chains
Launch of the CEFoodCycle project on circularity in food chains

Our article on behavioral sciences and the management of tourist flows – Hors-Série de la revue ESPACES sur le tourisme en Bretagne
Brittany is one of the most innovative regions in terms of tourism development. By focusing on identity and transitions, this region and its actors are

Earthquakes in Turkey and Northwest Syria – Emergency Cargo Operation (February 18, 2023)
Earthquakes in Turkey and Northwest Syria – Emergency Cargo Operation (February 18, 2023)

Training for elected officials of the Moroccan regions 2023
AVITEM assists elected officials and managers of Morocco’s regions in the strategic planning process through training on the preparation of regional development programs. In partnership

Earthquakes – France reinforces relief efforts in Turkey and deploys a civil security field hospital (10 February 2023)
Joint statement by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas France. In the face of the double