Discover AVITEM’s news through our themes

Air quality: AMP Métropole relaunches its call for projects to raise awareness among residents and stakeholders in the region
Air quality is one of the major environmental concerns of citizens. It is a complex subject because pollution is generated by multiple emission sources (transport,

Séismes en Turquie et en Syrie – Aide d’urgence de la France – communiqué du Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères (O9.02.23)
À la suite du double séisme aux conséquences dévastatrices qui a touché lundi le Sud de la Turquie et le Nord-Ouest de la Syrie, la

Turkey – Movement of Hope
Earthquake Relief Campaign Yesterday İzmir, today Kahramanmaraş, Malatya, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Kilis, Şanlıurfa, Osmaniye, Adana, Adıyaman and Hatay. Today is again the day of solidarity. Come

Formation gratuite et en ligne à destination des collectivités : infrastructures vertes et eaux pluviales
La nature pour mieux gérer les eaux pluviales en ville ? Oui, mais comment ? Face à l’urbanisation croissante du littoral méditerranéen et aux conséquences

Why start gardening in 2023? Here are the scientific reasons!
As we list our resolutions to improve our health in 2023, new research from the University of Colorado Boulder suggests one activity could have a powerful impact: gardening.

A casserole dish to raise awareness about air quality
Are you an air quality expert, an interested or involved citizen? Do you regularly lead meetings or workshops? We have developed the perfect tool to

Official visit of President Muselier and AVITEM mission for the Bourj Hammoud 2021-2031 project: Together for a better present and future.
Official visit of President Muselier and AVITEM mission for the Bourj Hammoud 2021-2031 project: Together for a better present and future.

DIAMS Closing Forum: Innovation and commitment to air quality
The DIAMS project “Digital Alliance For Aix-Marseille Sustainability “ tests and experiments new air quality services with today’s digital tools. Initiated in 2018 by the Metropole Aix-Marseille-Provence, AtmoSud, Aria

Casablanca: an inspiring metropolis for the Mediterranean! Synthesis of the seminar of the Hautes Études Territoriales et Urbaines of Casablanca JUNE 2022
Casablanca: an inspiring metropolis for the Mediterranean! Synthesis of the seminar of the Hautes Études Territoriales et Urbaines of Casablanca JUNE 2022

MED-InA in Tunisia: Circular economy projects supported in the service of Zero Waste
The MED-InA project, in which AViTeM is in charge of communication and exchange of experience, supports 3 pilot cities (Carcaixent in Spain, Irbid in Jordan

Membership of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region to AVITEM – 14 Dec 2021
Membership of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region in AVITEM Welcome to the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, a new member of AVITEM, alongside the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs,